Are you looking for a Designated Sponsor, Broker Dealer, “Freimakler” or market maker in Germany that specializing in making markets for international equities in the free market?

Are you looking for a Designated Sponsor, Broker Dealer, “Freimakler” or market maker in Germany that specializing in making markets for international equities in the free market?

The reality is that many people under appreciate the value of listing agents who assist in the process of putting together all of the documentation, due diligence, application, and contracts with the sponsors and market markers for businesses looking to list in Frankfurt. From our experience companies looking to find such entities to work with contact Over 200 requests for market makers come per week, and after the free review of the documentation by FSE Listings, 99% of the companies are not even ready to engage the market maker.

The Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings Guide is very useful for telling a process, however, it does miss the pro-active nature of a listing agent who contacts the broker dealers, contacts the exchange, clears the shares, assists with finding the right service providers to get the shares issued, deposited, and ready to trade. In actual fact, much of this is actually ahead of even the market makers abilities, and they only achieve one small component if the big picture of going public on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Besides the early requirements such as Capital-In, over 35 shareholders, electronically transferrable and registrar ready shares for entry into Xetra, the business expose and plan, and research to ensure there is even a market for your type of business from your country, you need to be able and certain that you can deposit and trade shares and raise capital!

The reality is if you are looking for a Designated Sponsor, Broker Dealer, “Freimakler” or market maker in Germany that specializing in making markets for international equities in the free market, you are actually looking for FSE Listings Inc to help you through the whole process, contact today to start working on your companies listing for Frankfurt. You can be listed within 3-6 weeks with a designated sponsor, a symbol, shares that can trade, and financing options who want your deal from your country.

Contact us with your information!

Please include:

  • Company Name
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Number
  • Contact Email
  • Amount of Capital invested to date
  • Amount of Capital required
  • Reasons for wanting to list
  • Description of Business
  • Website if available

Contact Robert Russell or Mark Bragg today!

