Stock exchange

Stock exchange Organized market for securities trading. (Auch: Börsengebäude) Exchange trading takes place at established times, with the exchange itself performing the following main functions: · Bringing together supply and demand (market function) · Creating an environment in which companies can raise capital by issuing securities (mobilization function) · Guaranteeing that securities can be sold […]

Securities exchange – FRANKFURT STOCK EXCHANGE

Securities exchange In the broader sense of the word, an exchange on which securities or derivatives are traded under the provisions of the Securities Trading Act. In practice, only securities (i. e. stocks, government bonds, mortgage bonds, public-sector bonds, corporate bonds, etc.) are traded on a securities exchange; derivatives trading takes place on a futures […]


Second Quotation Board The First Quotation Board and Second Quotation Board structure the Open Market. All companies whose shares are already listed or included at another international or domestic trading venue and apply for admission to the Open Market are included in the Second Quotation Board. GO PUBLIC ON THE FRANKFURT STOCK EXCHANGE CONTACT INFO@FSELISTINGS.COM […]