About TMX and TSX Listings

TSX Listing for Sale Fully Deliverable! We have a TSX listed client fully deliverable willing to look at a buyer.TSX Companies typically are ideal structures for financing:  – mining companies – oil and gas companies – utility companies – software companies – resource based deals Financing within Canada also comes with the added benefit of […]

Blogging your E-Proxy requirements!

Researching is one of my passions, and the adopted view of using online internet presence for publicly disclosing proxy materials is a no brainer. I was reading a very informative blog of which I have snipped the following below, but you should read the whole post: http://tinyurl.com/ljh32s “In 2007, the SEC adopted amendments to its […]

Frankfurt Stock Exchange Xetra Trading Platform

Technology revolution that burst out into blossom in 20th century changing the face of the whole world didn’t skirt the stock exchanges. The introduction of Xetra® impacted greatly the way the stocks are traded today in Germany and across the globe. While there are still buildings and noble edifices worldwide where stock exchanges supposedly allocate […]