FSE Listings: Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is still possible for your firm!

FSE Listings: Listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is still possible for your firm!
Changes to recent rules for Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings:
Your firm that desires an FSE Listing needs to have a market capitalization of 750,000 euro which means the company has shares that have been issued to that amount based on assets and value paid for those shares
To qualify for FSE Listings your firm needs to have a 1 euro share price
If your firm didn’t apply for acceptance into the Frankfurt Entry Standard by July 1st 2012, then a prospectus will need to be written and prepared. With a prospectus, audited financials and a third party valuation of asset value is required.
If you are interested in listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange Entry Standard contact info@fselistings.com.
In addition, FSE Listings Inc has extensive investor relations programs available to currently listed firms trying to increase their trading volume and awareness.
An alternative to listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is listing on the London Standard Market, which ranges from 300-350k GBP. Some firms charge as low as 200k GBP for listing on the LSE.
If the London Stock Exchange and Frankfurt Stock Exchange Listings are too cost prohibitive for listing, one could try using the Broker Dealer IFXBG Limited, who is a broker dealer that lists firms on the London Exchange “GXG Markets” which is one of the only true OTC markets within the UK.
If you are looking to go public or upgrade to a higher standard board, here are the contacts you need to know:
FSE Listings Inc: Info@fselistings.com (For upgrading your listing on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, preparing the prospectus for upgrading to Entry Standard listings on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, or Berlin Stock Exchange Listings.
IFXBG Limited, Official GXG Markets Broker Dealer (http://www.ifxbg.com), for listing on the GXG Markets Regulated, MTF, and OTC markets. Contact info@ifxbg.com
For London Stock Exchange Listings (http://www.londonstockexchangelistings.com) contact Ryan@ifxbg.com.

