ASX Listings: Australian Stock Exchange Listings Documents and Links

Listing Rules

  Introduction to the Listing Rules
1   Admission
2   Quotation
3   Continuous disclosure
4   Periodic disclosure
5   Additional reporting on mining and exploration activities
6   Securities
7   Changes in capital and new issues
8   Transfers and registration
9   Restricted securities
10   Transactions with persons in a position of influence
11   Significant transactions
12   Operations and spread
13   Additional requirements for trusts
14   Meetings
15   Requirements for documents
16   Fees
17   Trading halts, suspension, removal
18   Application of listing rules
19   Interpretation and definitions
20   Self-listing of ASX



1A   General admission application and agreement
1B   Debt issuer application and agreement
1C   Exempt foreign entity application and agreement
2A   Deleted (use Appendix 3B)
3A   Timetable
3B   New issue announcement, application for quotation of additional securities and agreement
3C   Announcement of buy-back
3D   Changes relating to buy-back
3E   Daily share buy-back notice
3F   Final share buy-back notice
3X   Initial Director’s Interest Notice
3Y   Change of Director’s Interest Notice
3Z   Final Director’s Interest Notice
4A   List of corporate governance matters
4B   Half Yearly/Preliminary Final Report
4C   Quarterly report for entities admitted on the basis of commitments
4D   Half Year Report Period ending on or after 30 June 2003
4E   Preliminary Final Report Period ending on or after 30 June 2003
4F   Change of balance date 12 month period ending on or after 30 June 2003
5A   Australasian Code for Reporting of Identified Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves
5B   Mining exploration entity quarterly report
6A   Timetables
7A   Timetables
8A   Time limits
9A   Restriction agreement
9B   Restrictions on securities
15A   Provisions required by rule 15.11.1
15B   Provisions required by rule 15.11.1


Guidance Notes

1   Applying for admission and quotation
2   Stapled securities
3   Co-operatives and mutual business entities
4   Foreign entities
5   CHESS Depository Interests (CDIs)
6   Trusts
7   US entities – Regulation S offerings on ASX
8   Continuous Disclosure
9   Disclosure of corporate governance practices: listing rule 4.10
9A   Principles of good corporate governance & best practice recommendations
10   Review of operations and activities: listing rule 4.10.17
11   Restricted securities
12   Changes to activities: listing rules 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3
13   Disposal of a major asset involving an entity to be listed: listing rule 11.4
14   Company announcements platform
15   Schedule of fees
16   Trading halts
17   ASX Issuers
18   Market codes and trading procedures
19   Non-business days and non-trading days (discontinued)
20   ASX Online
21   Appeals
22   Director Disclosure of Interests and Transactions in Securities
23   Appendix 4c
24   Acquisition and disposal of assets between related parties: Listing Rule 10.1 – 10.10 
25   Exercise of Discretions
26   Management Agreements

